머리 금간 트럼프 왈 "김정은이 14억 인구를 다스린다" 고-.
[거사 주]:
81살의 바이든 대통령의 잦은 말실수와 부실한 거동으로 인하여 민주당뿐만 아니라 많은 미국 시민들이 과연 2024년 대선에서 이길 수 있는지 의아하게 생각하는데, 77살의 트럼프도 대동소이하다. 그의 인지 능력의 저하로 역시 말실수도 자주 하는 데다, 재산 뻥 튀기는 재주는 있어도 초등학교 수준의 문장 구사력을 보면 이 양반도 엄청난 함량미달이다. 이런 XX꾼 수준을 자신들의 안위만을 생각하고 따르는 대부분의 공화당 의원들이나 추종자들의 수준도 한심하기 그지없으니 미국이 다시 한번 큰 기로에 서게 되었다.
* 답글 중에서: Biden needs to retire. Trump needs to go to prison. America can do better than this!
Trump confuses North-Korea with China!!
During his rally in Hialeah, Florida, Donald Trump appeared to suffer another cognitive failure when he confused North Korea with China. When reaching the segment of his speech where he praises various dictators as smart, Trump noted that Kim Jong-un leads 1.4 billion people.
Trump: Kim Jong-un leads 1.4 billion people, and there's no doubt about who the boss is, and they want me to say he's not an intelligent man.
The problem is that the population of North Korea is around 26 million people, while the population of China is around 1.4 billion people.
Trump's comments came shortly after he attempted to criticize President Biden and complained that we have "incompetent people talking on our behalf." Trump can't put two sentences together, and he's in charge of our nuclear talks.
Trump has mental illness for gosh sake!
MSNBC analyst assails Trump's cognitive health: Story by Travis Gettys • 1d© provided by RawStory
MSNBC's Claire McCaskill questioned Donald Trump's fitness to serve another term as president on multiple levels.
Recent polls have suggested Trump would beat President Joe Biden in a rematch of 2020, with many voters expressing concern over Biden's age, but the former Missouri senator told "Morning Joe" that Trump wasn't much younger and had already proved himself incapable of behaving himself in private life, business, court or the White House.
"I really think polling a year out reflects that people are not satisfied with the status quo and, frankly, [Barack] Obama had the same problem in 2011, same kind of poll, trend lines, same kind of disapproval," McCaskill said. "I'm not saying that age is not something that Joe Biden's going to have to deal with, but in fairness to Joe Biden, if we're going to look at people saying things that make no sense, if we're going to look at somebody's physical capabilities, if we're going to look at somebody's age, you know who's much worse than he is? It's the guy down at the golf resort in Florida."
"He can't put three sentences together to make sense, he doesn't know where he is, he doesn't know who he's running against," McCaskill added. "He's a gaffe machine of incompetence, I really think. I saw [host] Joe [Scarborough] the other morning when he was animated about how the Biden team has to start punching Trump in the nose about his inability to lead and his incompetence and his physical problems and frailties and mental disability, which he clearly has. He has mental illness, for gosh sake! He has a personality disorder. They have to start focusing on the binary choice for someone who will be a danger to democracy and the world, and somebody who's going to surround himself with strong competent people." (-)