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“Justice Department should appeal 'deeply flawed' ruling approving special master in Trump documents case”-Barr

by 바람거사 2022. 9. 8.

The former A ttorney General, Bill Bar

[거사 주]: Trump & his allies들은 어떻게든 시간을 끌어서 그한테  아주 불리한 상황이 가열되는 걸 피하려고, Florida 법정에서 "Special Master" 도입을 원했고, DOJ에서 반대를 했어도 트럼프가 뽑아놓은 District Judge Aileen Cannon이 지난 월요일에 법무부에서 조사한 내용을 믿을 수 없며 제3차의 변호인단이 그의 저택에서 압수한 자료를 리뷰할 수 있게하는 제소를 승인하였다. 그런데 트럼프가 뽑았던 전 법무장관이었던 Bill Bar는 트럼프의 "사기로 치른 대선 무효라는 억지 주장"에 그럴 수가 없다고 공적으로 발언하여 그와 척진 사이가 되었다. 그는 이런 "Special Master"도입이 절대로 필요 없는 시간낭비하는 거라 일축하고 법무부에서 무효 제소를 하면, 승소할 거라며 단지 시일이  몇 달이 걸릴 거라 하였다. 이게 다 11월 중간 선거를 겨냥한 트럼프의 꼼수이니 말이다. 수단과 방법을 가리지 않고 끝까지 빠져나가려고 발버둥 치지만, 비밀문서 불법 보관에 대한 죄는 피할 수 없을 것이다. 그 와중에 여러 나라에서 핵무기 활용 능력을 조사한 매우 중대한 비밀문서를 트럼프의 금고에서 압수했다고 WAPO가 발표했다.  

ㄴBy Shawna Mizelle, CNN, Updated 3:59 AM ET, Wed September 7, 2022

Washington (CNN) Former Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday said the decision by a Florida judge to grant former President Donald Trump's request for a special master to review the documents seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago is "deeply flawed" and urged the Justice Department to appeal it.

"The opinion, I think, was wrong, and I think the government should appeal it. It's deeply flawed in a number of ways," Barr said during a Fox interview Tuesday.

"I don't think the appointment of a special master is going to hold up -- but even if it does, I don't see it fundamentally changing the trajectory. In other words, I don't think it changes the ball game so much as maybe we'll have a rain delay for a couple of innings."

Trump-appointed District Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday ordered that a third-party attorney be brought in to review the materials that were taken from Trump's home and resort in Florida. The order also halts the Justice Department from continuing its review of the materials seized from Mar-a-Lago "pending completion of the special master's review or further Court order."

The classification review and intelligence assessments being conducted by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, however, will be allowed to continue.

The Justice Department strongly opposed a special master and has said that its own "filter team" already finished its review of the Mar-a-Lago documents. A DOJ spokesman said Monday that officials are "examining the opinion" and considering "appropriate next steps."

Cannon's decision was a significant victory for the former President, who has railed against the Biden administration and Justice Department since the search of his Palm Beach property. Trump's lawyers had argued that a special master was needed because they don't trust the Justice Department to fairly identify privileged materials that would need to be excluded from the ongoing criminal probe.

Though Barr was a Trump loyalist during his time as attorney general, he has at times criticized the former President since leaving the administration and hasn't held back in recent days when asked about Trump's special master effort.

Barr, in a separate appearance on Fox last week, called the special master request a "red herring" and a "waste of time." He doubled down on those comments in a phone interview with The New York Times, saying that he didn't think a special master was "called for."

Weighing in on the prospect of a DOJ appeal, he told Fox: "I think if DOJ appeals, eventually it will be overturned. I hope they expedite it, but it could take several months to get that straightened out." (-)