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"Nevada Smith"-Steve McQueen(1966)

by 바람거사 2022. 11. 22.

[거사 해설]:  없는 금덩이를 내놓으라고 다그치며 부모를 너무도 처참하게 죽인 3명의 무법자를 찾아서 정처 없이 떠나는 Max Sand의 파란만장한 여정. 하나하나를 추적하여 살해하고 마지막으로 보스 격인 Fitch의 갱단에 Nevada Smith로 위장하여 금광에서 금을 실은 마차를 강탈하는데 가담. 뒤늦게 알아차린 Fitch는 도망가지만, 아래 물살이 여울져서 흐르는 개천이 있는 경사진 비탈길에서 굴러 떨어지면서 총격전이 시작되고, 실탄이 떨어졌다고 faint motion을 한 Fitch를 양쪽 무릎을 쏘았다. 그리고 살려달라고 애걸하라고 하지만, 연신 끝내주라고 악을 쓴 그에게, Max는 죽일 가치가 없는 인간이라 하면서 돌아서는 데, 풀을 잡고 "끝내줘라! 용기도 없는 놈!!"이라고 고래고래 악을 쓰는 그를 놔둔 채 떠나간다. 


In the 1890s American West, outlaws Bill Bowdre, Jesse Coe, and Tom Fitch seek to rob Max's father of gold which they believe he has. When it becomes evident that there is none, they torture and brutally kill the white father and Kiowa mother of young Max Sand. Max sets out to avenge their deaths.

While traveling in the desert, Max uncovers a rusty old gun. Coming upon Jonas Cord, a traveling gunsmith, Max tries to rob him. Cord, recognizing that Max's revolver is non-functional, convinces Max he has failed. Max tells Cord about his vengeful journey. Cord, empathetic, shelters him and teaches him to shoot. Max hunts the killers, who have since separated. He tracks down Jesse Coe to AbileneTexas. With help from Neesa, a Kiowa dance hall girl, he identifies and confronts Coe in a saloon. A knife fight ensues in a nearby corral. Coe is killed but Max is severely wounded. Neesa takes him to her tribe's camp and nurses him back to health. Soon after, they become lovers.

Once recovered, Max continues his pursuit. He learns that Bowdre is in a prison camp located deep within Louisiana's swamps. Max deliberately commits a bank robbery to be sent to the same prison as Bowdre. Max persuades Bowdre to escape with him, planning to kill him in the swamp. Pilar, a local Cajun girl working in the rice fields near the convicts’ camp agrees to help Max. Unaware of Max's plan to kill Bowdre, she obtains a boat and navigates the trio through the swamp. The boat capsizes early on and Pilar is bitten by a poisonous snake. Max kills Bowdre, but Pilar eventually succumbs to the venom of the snakebite.

Max has escaped and is now hunting Fitch, the last murderer. Still blinded by revenge, Max infiltrates Fitch's gang, calling himself, "Nevada Smith". Fitch knows Max Sand has killed Coe and Bowdre and is coming for him. Though he accepts "Nevada" into the gang, Fitch is wary. As the gang rides out to commit a gold-transport robbery, Max is spotted by Cord, who calls out his name. Max ignores him and the gang rides on. Fitch now suspects one of his men is Max. As the gang greedily scoops up the stolen gold, Max watches from a hill. Fitch, realizing "Smith" is Sand, grabs his share and flees. Max pursues him and corners him at a creek. Fitch tries shooting Sand while pretending to surrender, but Sand, faster, shoots Fitch's hand.

Fitch gives up and wants Max to quickly kill him. Max shoots Fitch several more times, inflicting painful but non-fatal wounds. As Fitch lies in the creek, bleeding profusely, Max demands Fitch beg for his life. Fitch calls Max a coward for refusing to kill him. Max decides Fitch is not worth killing and rides away as Fitch continues shouting at Max to kill him.

---- Adopted from Wikipedia